It could have gone horribly wrong…

Away we go at stupid o’clock out of the Gold Coast to Sydney. We have the day in Sydney before we leave for India via Kuala Lumpur and are going to be like tourists. Except we will be tourists who have a son and his partner living in town.

First thing to get out of the way is satiating the artistic hunger of Tall Girl so we head to the Art Gallery of NSW. It is the morning after the World Gay Pride event so there are a lot of colourful bleary eyed people around. There is also plenty of corporate rainbow washing with posters everywhere telling us how a variety of corporations support “the family you chose” or “loves equally” or whatever.

I am just realising how potentially long this post could be so to save us both time, I am going to leave out some of the detail, you can add it to suit your own narrative.

Ferry across to Manly with the other tourists, who likely don’t have a child in Sydney to welcome them to Manly, and before we know it we do what any tourist does and go to the beach. Personally, I think beaches would be greatly improved if there was no sand or salt water, but some people seem to love it.

That’s them, in the middle.

We head out to the airport and bloody hell, I am in shock. We get to the check-in counter where my international travel experience is long tedious waits, and there is not a single person in front of us!!! A woman (who it turns out is named Culika) is guiding people and I ask who the Air Asia supervisor is. It turns out to be her. We check in and broach the subject of the shit fight surrounding this trip. She is a great people person and I would have her on my front line any day. Culika was very helpful, mostly in the Indian sense of not actually doing much apart from promising to investigate our outstanding refund. As some sort of apology she gives us 3 seats each to stretch out. Sounds great, except that the plane was about 30% full and just about everyone had 3 seats. A token upgrade would have been nice, just saying.

Arriving in Kuala Lumpur at 0330 is everyone’s idea of fun. Fortunately I had the foresight to book 12 hours in the capsule hotel for which I received much praise from Tall Girl.

We collapsed into bed and woke quite refreshed. I have used this place a few times and can recommend it. Not the cheapest, but it is worth it if you need some sleep between flights.

0330 arrival, 2240 departure. Our plan was to go to Batu Caves, a quite amazing temple complex. We don’t have a real lot of time by the time we have slept and eaten, so are a bit disappointed when we get to KL Sentral and the next train to the caves is over an hour away. Change of plans and we head into Pasar Seni, the local Chinatown – hmmm…how come most cities have a Chinatown but no Indiatown or Kenyatown?

I am keen to move on to India…you’ll read why…so not much more about that.

It is only a 4 hour flight from Kuala Lumpur to Kolkata and Tall Girl spends pre-flight and flight time practicing her Hindi on real people rather than an app. I must say that I am impressed. She has been using Duo Lingo for 2 months and I have been gently mocking that it is teaching her things like “Does your grandfather live in America” and similar useful phrases. My standard line has been “If someone doesn’t understand you in Hindi, I will ask them in English”.

And here we are, Kolkata. Walking out of the airport we are immediately pounced on by a taxi driver who quotes R1150 to our hotel. Some fierce haggling got it down to R800 ($AUD16) which wasn’t too bad for a wild ride into town. I had experienced Indian traffic often enough to know this was normal. Tall Girl was a bit freaked out by horns blaring, red lights being ignored, motor bikes being just avoided, etc.

Finally we get to Mahatma Ghandi Rd, or M.G. Rd as it is known. I just received a compliment, that I should mention my amazing skill at getting us to the hotel using Google maps. I’ll accept that. The driver had no idea, despite saying he knew it of course. He kept stopping to look at hotels and alleys and I would say “keep going” until we arrived at the corner where the hotel is shown on the map.

It was about 1:30AM and took some hunting, but eventually I found a sign for the hotel. And then the serious haggling over the fare began. Maybe it’s me, but I thought that we had agreed on a fare and suddenly he wanted more. My fault, I had R1,000, i.e. not exactly R800 and was expecting change, he was holding out for no change. Tall Girl and I stood our ground, paid what we said and now it is time to check in and sleep.

At the time of writing I was in damage control. The streets were filthy.  The outside gate of the hotel building was locked, fortunately some bloke lurking in the street had a key.

Of course the lifts don’t work so it is a 5 story grotty climb, past people sleeping on the floor.  Another locked gate on the stairs exiting the 4th floor to the 5th floor hotel. A bit of shouting and someone comes and opens the gate and we are in.

The sheets are stained. The water is luke warm…and later stops completely.

Our hotel – not quite like the photos

Like many people who arrive in a big Indian city, Tall Girl is, in her words, “in mild shock and wondering if this what the trip is going to be like”. Fearing that the whole thing was a mistake and the trip could go horribly wrong, I am on the defensive, worried that this trip will scar us forever.

Next morning we complain and they mention another hotel just up the road, the White House. This looks better. All the staff are wearing white shirts and black ties. It is clean and organised and directly on the street. But they don’t have a room available right then. To cut a long story short, they find one and there is lots of banter in English and broken Hindi and we decide that hang the expense, we are going for a better class of hotel from here on.

While we are waiting to see if we get a room we wander off and end up in what we think was a wholesale fruit market. Truck after truck of produce with people offloading onto big baskets that are then carried on the heads of poor buggers who carry heavy things on their heads.

I should have done up his fly for him

We are trying to find any Pure Veg restaurant, i.e. they don’t serve meat etc at all. We keep being pointed in various directions without much luck.

At this point I have to concede that after being right about a lot of things e.g. don’t worry too much about the 7Kg weight for carry on (did I mention we are only taking carry-on?), I had to concede I was wrong…not many people speak English really.

But it was all fun and I was thoroughly enjoying getting back into the India I remember. Slowly Tall Girl is beginning to relax and get over her immersion shock. We get some street food, we receive puja at a small temple, buy our first souvenir (a wood printing block) and people watch.

Yes! We have a room at the White House on Mahatma Ghandi Rd, or M.G. Rd as it is known. It is close enough to a lot of things, including a mosque where the call to prayer is ringing out right now. It is perfect. Tall Girl’s mood has improved markedly, especially after a lot of interacting in broken Hindi with the hotel manager while we were checking in.

We hear about an important Hindi temple and also some better intel on a veg restaurant and off we head for the day.

As I type this in the evening, it is hard to reconcile that everything since we took off from Kuala Lumpur has happened in less than the last 24 hours, and I am still nowhere near through our story. How to get it all down and keep it readable? It is worth reminding you, dear reader, that the primary purpose of this is as our “diary” of the trip and we love sharing that. So we do want to get the details, but also don’t want to spend hours documenting them. Pictures…thousand words…

We find the restaurant, where Tall Girl naively expects to make a booking. It is early, but now we know it is the place to eat later, and conveniently it is right over the road from M.G. Rd train station. We catch a train to Kalighat, the location of a very important Hindu temple.

All along the way Tall Girl is trying out her Hindi and making friends with people. Where a few hours ago she was in shock, she is now having a ball and is on fire. One woman tells us that the temple is along a broken up road and she was right about that. I suggest to Tall Girl that if we come back in 12 months, not much will have changed. But after visiting the temple, there isn’t much fear we will be back.

Just like we were pounced on by the taxi driver, as we arrive at the temple, we are pounced upon by someone claiming to be a temple priest. He even pointed out his white sarong and said he is Brahman (the priest caste) and let us know, as he started guiding us around, that guides aren’t allowed at the temple.

Shoes are also not allowed at the temple and Tall Girl was a bit nervous about her new sandals. I have the opinion that shoes are respected, since everyone leaves them outside temples and there is little to worry about.

The temple is a bit of a disaster area. It is a mess, crowded, grotty, a construction site and there is no real path through the place. Our non guide led us around, very quickly, instructing us on how to do puja using the flowers we had bought. We are jolted back to reality when we get to a room where people are holding small goats and praying and un-guide explains that every morning goats are sacrificed right there. He explains it as though he expects us to find it interesting, as vegetarians we are not impressed. Tall Girl’s impression of Hinduism has been a bit tarnished, given that Hindus are vegetarians.

I think that is the point where un-priest turned and it all kind of went downhill at the end when he expected us to pay him, via his friend, when we asked him to not even take us.

Back to M.G. Road and the restaurant where we had a date. One of my fellow Clown Doctors has retired and back in Brisbane there was a farewell dinner at an Indian restaurant. I had quietly arranged with one of the others to video call from an Indian restaurant.

Wish I was there, but glad I am here

There was no wifi at the restaurant and we don’t have SIM cards (yet, if at all) so I didn’t think we would be able to call. But the tables in the restaurant were shared and our new fellow diners wanted to practice their English with Tall Girl wanting Hindi. I had an idea. Would they create a wifi hot spot so I could make a quick call? Of course. And then I had another idea. Instead of just calling one clown, I would do a group call to them all. And there we were, in a noisy Indian restaurant waving to people in a far away Indian restaurant. What fun. Missing you already Dr O’Dear.

As we were heading back to the White House (I do love saying that) we passed a “Gents Only” hair dresser and I suggested getting a shave for R40 (80c). Me, not her. Into the chair I plop and almost immediately Tall Girl is in full on banter mode with the bloke who seems like the owner and anyone else who would work with her broken Hindi or practice their broken English. It wasn’t hard to upsell me to the R100 ($2) face massage and before we knew it, the first rule of the Gents Only hair dresser shop was broken as Tall Girl jumps into the chair for what was probably the young guy’s first female face massage.

Too much fun indeed.

Back to the hotel and for some reason reception rang our room at least 5 times but they couldn’t hear us or we couldn’t hear them. We ended up taking the phone off the hook. They needed to get our address from our passports, failing to understand, despite being a hotel that likely deals with lots of them, that passports don’t have an address in them. As an apology we get a fruit basket that includes 2 pomegranates, add that to the half papaya we bought and it is fruit heaven here.

And this is just day 1.

Let’s get this trip started

As pissed off as I am with Air Asia, I am buoyed by the fact that I suddenly have someone from the media in my corner. We shall see what happens. It is time for me to move on, we leave on Sunday!!!!

Where are you going? What are you doing? Is this your first trip to India? Consider this a FAQ spoiler.

It is my 6th visit to India and the Tall Girl’s 1st, we are both super excited, even more so this week.

We are travelling by train across to Jaipur where we will connect with my friend Ajeet. This is an adventure in the making, as we are arriving there in time for the Holi Festival and will be going out to celebrate with his family in a village called Barala in Rajasthan.

The red fuzzy bit on the map is sort of, possibly, perhaps the area we will spend the next 10 days. We’ll make it up as we go.

Barala is where the red pin is dropped

All the train trips are overnight because a) they are reasonably long and b) we go to sleep and wake up somewhere new and fabulous.

Kolkata, formerly Calcutta, is a big city where we will chill for a day after what looks like a gruelling trip. Flying out of Sydney (Grrrr…) we arrive in Kuala Lumpur at 0300 where we have a capsule hotel in the airport booked to catch up with some sleep. Our flight to Kolkata leaves at 10PM and arrives at 1AM. We are going to need a day to regroup for sure.

Then to Bodh Gaya, where Buddah attained enlightenment. Read about a previous trip here. After a couple of days we head off to Varanasi on the Ganges for 3 days. Despite the river being more like a sewer, it is a fascinating place.

We were then going to the Taj Mahal in Agra, but the train timing was just stupid, so we are going to get a Taj glimpse as we whizz by on our way to Jaipur. Agra is only 3 hours from Jaipur, so we will definitely be going back.

This means we hit Jaipur in time for Holi, that is why we are moving fairly quickly at first.

I wonder if clothes ever come clean

You may have noticed that I have been to all the places we are visiting. That is fine by me, it is never the same twice, but more importantly, I really want this to be a great experience for the Tall Girl, so I figure going to familiar places will help achieve that.

There are a bunch of people who have been great support for us to get away and not miss out on some things back here (e.g. an art assessment or running a business) and we really appreciate them.

I still haven’t worked out how to auto post to facebook. Does this mean I am actually going to have to log in to share these posts? Sure…

Dear Air Asia – you suck

I am writing to you to detail our recent experience. I am not sure why I am doing this as no one will care, but I do need to a) get it off my chest and b) hopefully warn others about Air Asia cheap fares (this is to try to catch searches)

Let me start by saying that I have flown from Australia to India and back with Air Asia 5 times. Each time has been a fantastic experience, even discounting the check-in chaos at Chennai airport.

It is very appropriate that the name Air Asia has a big X over it in their official logo.

We were booked to fly in February 2020 and then Coronavirus came along, visas were cancelled, flights were cancelled and travel shut down. During this time Air Asia came perilously close to going bankrupt and I was certain we had lost our money. Somehow the company managed to stay on its feet and the fares for cancelled flights were kind of returned as a Travel Voucher – keep in mind this is not a credit voucher. But we were genuinely grateful to have the value to spend again.

Jump to the end of 2022 and there is a grand announcement. Air Asia is flying out of the Gold Coast, Australia (OOL) again from February 16 2023. Fantastic! We decide we will take our trip leaving on February 27th, giving them a week to get the teething problems sorted.

We have a travel voucher, sweet, we will use that to pay and top it up with cash. When we go to pay with the voucher it can only be used for the base fare, not for taxes or add ons.

Hang on, when we paid, we paid for the base fare + taxes and now Air Asia is saying “you know the money you gave us for taxes? We are keeping that for ourselves”. Unethical? Absolutely. Thievery? I think so.

Air Asia are a bunch of thieves

As far as I am concerned, a “travel voucher” should be the equivalent of cash. It is your money on hold with them, you should be able to spend it how you wish, with them.

Add to that, on one flight we couldn’t use the travel voucher at all. It isn’t like the flight was full, we could still pay for a ticket, but our money, which Air Asia already had, couldn’t be spent on this flight at all. Had we not already booked some tickets we would have stopped at this point.


I am loathe to distract from the main issue here, but FFS, why can I book a flight from OOL – KUL and then book a flight leaving 4 hours later, KUL – CCU i.e. they connect, but I can’t book a single ticket OOL – KUL – CCU. I know why. Because that would be a convenience and a way to take care of customers, and Air Asia doesn’t care.

I won’t go into how hard I tried to get this travel voucher issue resolved, but it ended up being too difficult because replies never addressed my problem, which is likely what Air Asia management is hoping…people will just give up. After all, customers can’t speak to anyone to complain.

Then on January 12th, all flights in and out of OOL were abruptly cancelled “for operational reasons”. I suspect that Air Asia never got the paperwork completed and were told that there would be no flights.

Oh, Air Asia, do you know or care about how frustrating it is to not be able to actually speak to someone when there is a problem, especially when YOU caused the problem? In an era when there is so much interest in AI and chatGPT, your virtual assistant is worse than a joke, it is an insult to customers and it should be an embarrassment to even have it on your website.

Eventually…and I do mean eventually, because it took days, I figured out how to get to someone on live chat. They are all apologies but it is a hollow gesture as their only suggestion is for me to change the date of the flights to April. Not particularly helpful when I have already booked Indian trains which are expensive to cancel. Besides, when I look at flights in April they are phantom flights, that was back in January, in mid February, they still are.

Who would be stupid enough to book and pay for this?

So we bite the bullet and decide to fly out of Sydney. Not only is the new Air Asia flight more expensive, but we need to pay for an additional domestic flight to Sydney and go really early in the day because connections all fall apart. I am almost certain we have been overcharged for the ticket + the change, but of course, Air Asia doesn’t provide a list of transactions so that you can follow the money.

So, now we are flying from SYD – KUL and we reluctantly book OOL – SYD domestic, hang the expense. My India experiences has me understanding that this sort of disruption is something you have to learn to put up with.

The timeline of this post is as messy as the entire AirAsia booking system, but here is the next fun part.

Have a look at this image from the Air Asia website “my bookings” page…

How many flights are booked? Three, right? It is really clear.

When I went to check in, that is what I saw and what I thought. “SHIT! I never booked the final leg Kuala Lumpur to Sydney. How lucky I spotted this before we arrived back in KL with no flight.”.

So I booked a flight KUL – SYD, whew…disaster averted…but little did I know.

Somewhere through all this I made a mistake that I acknowledge. I booked this new flight for Wednesday 22nd instead of Tuesday 21st March. This meant an extra day in KL and missing the SYD – OOL flight which was booked on the 22nd at lunchtime.

Biting another bullet (I am worried about getting lead poisoning), I do an expensive flight change, moving it forward one day.

Now our bookings page looks like this…

that feels better…but little did I know.

We had meals booked on the first flight but they weren’t transferred to the new flight. Another piece of Air Asia magic that I can’t manage to get sorted out. I now simply can’t be bothered, we just want to go and have a great time without letting Air Asia spoil our trip any further.

[UPDATE] Eight days until we leave, the Tall Girl and I had been out celebrating our 4th anniversary together. Maybe it was the awesome Japanese food at Midori on the Gold Coast, maybe it was the saki, maybe it was love. But I woke up at 2AM and I prefer to do anything rather than lie there wondering why I am awake. I decided to check that we are checked in and in the app I spot this:

The time is after I have been on chat for almost an hour trying to resolve this.

TWO FLIGHTS KUL – SYD ON THE 21ST! What the F’ing F????

Normally I would spell out the Fs but I don’t want anyone at Air Asia to care about that and say “we won’t deal with you using that language”. For sure it would be the only thing they care about.

Completely confused about what is going on, I manage to get a person on chat and try to explain my understanding of what is happening. We lock horns, if that is possible on chat, and they are absolutely unhelpful. There is no effort to try to help me untangle where and why the bookings look like they do and why I don’t understand it. Then they simply disconnect me without answering my question. Pretty typical for Air Asia.

Of course I am furious, it is 4AM by now and there is no way I am getting to sleep. I dig deeper into what has happened with this whole thing and why there are those 2 flights KUL – SYD and I discover something that I acknowledge is my mistake, but is absolutely Air Asia’s fault, triggered by them cancelling our flights in the first place.

Let’s jump back to that booking screenshot

It looks like a list of flights doesn’t it? It has the origin and the destination and the status. But it isn’t. It is literally, as the heading implies, a list of bookings. Not flights. In the top booking there are actually TWO flights, but there is nothing to indicate that. Why on earth doesn’t the list look like this?

I know why. That would actually be helpful for customers and Air Asia wouldn’t want that.

Unhelpful assistant did one thing right, they lodged an application for a refund, but I am not at all confident that it will happen or that it will be for the entire cost of the mistakenly bought ticket. At least I now understand it all…perhaps. [/update]

[ ANOTHER UPDATE] I have no doubt that some readers think I am a privileged 1st world whinger and that is partially true. I am part of the global 1% who can even afford to travel internationally. But for me, this mainly is about corporate responsibility and being treated fairly. It is about customer being more than just a thing that gives you money.

I am not at all surprised by the latest development in my refund request.

I am hardly surprised by the fact that the anonymous person who wrote this, couldn’t be bothered or didn’t think “oh, I have this booking number, let me check the customer’s account and find the other booking”. I am not sure if this is a ploy to fob me off for as long as possible or it is sheer incompetence…most likely, both. [/another update]

Here’s novel idea Air Asia, since I do a bit of coding, I know it is pretty easy to implement. As you are making a booking you are required to add your passport number. How about WARNING! That passport number has already been used on this flight. But that would be helpful for customers, wouldn’t it.

When I read back this doesn’t read nearly as bad as it has been. It doesn’t reflect how much time I have spent on this. It doesn’t show how many times the live chat disconnected me. There is no indication of how many support tickets I opened and the response didn’t even come close to addressing my question but the ticket was closed and couldn’t be reopened. It certainly doesn’t show how the cost of what started as a relatively cheap holiday has blown out. Air Asia has made an art form of making life as difficult as possible for customers and making almost impossible to get in touch to resolve it.

Another example – someone more clever than me discovered the email pattern for Air Asia staff so I tried to email the CEO. There is such a person, but what a surprise, their email address is disabled.

I suspect that when they restructured after almost going bust, nothing has been the same since. They have likely trimmed as much staffing fat as they can get away with. They have lost any sense of being a service industry and are simply focussed on surviving.

Air Asia staff praying I am not on their flight so they don’t have to hear my whinging

But this is arse-backwards of course. Because I have gone from being a fairly loyal customer to likely never flying Air Asia again. I have gone from being supportive of their attempts to stay afloat to warning people to not use Air Asia.

This whole thing has, without doubt, been one of the most frustrating experiences of my life. I can’t even tell you how angry I am at Air Asia. In fact, the main reason for this post is to document just some of what has happened so that when we are at the airport I can possibly, finally, speak to the Australian Air Asia representative face to face and I can refer them here.

It may be a satisfying way to fill the time before an international flight. But the truth is, I know they won’t care.

India here we come

Erna and I are heading to India for 3 weeks in March.

This is a test post to see if, after all this time, my blog still auto posts to FaceBook.

Fortunately my previous trips have led me to understand that if you are easily stressed by things not going to plan, you will hate the place. Thanks, Air Asia for putting me to the test in so many ways.


It has taken a while to get to this. Jet lag has been a killer this time, plus not feeling 100% well on our return has really hammered me. Or maybe I am just getting old.

We had an “interesting” final week, some of which shall remain untold. But the highlight, maybe of the whole trip, was a day to what were a couple tourist traps, one of which was a fabulous look at working windmills.

First to an old fishing village that apparently was kind of locked in time until about 30 years ago. They had very strict rules about what people could wear and who they could associate with. Unfortunately the place is also remembered for a fatal fire in 2000

You get a hint of the fishing wharf in the picture above, but it does get a lot better.

Row of old boats at wharf

I think those are the real thing, the one below is cool, but a reproduction

Old Dutch sailing ship
Row of old blocks on a sailing ship

A different boat

Figure head on old dutch sailing boat

Then it was off to one of those historical village type places. It is pretty extensive with a not so good “cheese experience” where there were loads of different cheeses to taste, but they didn’t actually make any cheese there. In fact, that might be my only disappointment, I didn’t get to see a working cheese factory. There were also lolly makers, bakers and all the traditional stuff being made by people wearing traditional clothing. It was also cold and wet 😛

Four windmills in the Netherlands

But the windmills were fantastic. Being a tight arse I was reluctant to pay to go into any of them but eventually, since it was actually working, we went into a saw mill, which I think is the left hand one in the picture above.

These aren’t original mills. They are faithful reproductions from the originals. But they were built pretty much exactly as the originals were and I have to say it was incredible. We spent about an hour in the saw mill. Although it is a working business, it is mostly run by volunteers who speak good English and are as enthusiastic as you would expect. I applied for a volunteer job ;o)

Inside dutch sawmill showing log being cut by blades
ropes hanging on a wall in dutch windmill
Yes, that is an authentic traditional chain saw

The saw miller – he owns the business – actually wore clogs. I am not sure they are comfortable, but they likely would be classed as safety footwear.

Rows of clogs hanging on a wall (not souvenirs)

This is a winch that is driven by the windmill and when it is engaged it hauls a log up from the canal. It was all very impressive

Gears in dutch windmill
View inside dutch windmill
People standing at the stop of very narrow staircase

I just can’t get around my brain fog to edit a bunch of videos into something coherent, so here are some to give an idea of the day.

Next time Aussies whinge about the price of petrol, this is what it was like in The Netherlands

Dutch fuel price board

“Oh, it is only $2.36” I hear you say. Let me remind you that 1 Euro (I wish I had a Euro symbol on my keyboard) = $1.50 Australian. So fuel is about $AUD3.50 per litre. People don’t seem to care much.

And then we headed home, but that wasn’t without its trials. Firstly, the Australian Government makes you fill out of Digital Passenger Declaration that you are Covid vaccinated and where have you been and so on. But it has to be about the most painful online experience I have ever gone through. It is as though the app was created by a work experience teen with a grudge.

Then to the airport, always so much fun, especially on a weekend, especially when there is a public transport strike.

lines of people at airport

In case you are curious, this is more or less the layout to get into security (on the left)

They have to hold people at the bottom of the stairs, it is so crowded at the top. It is just ridiculous how under-staffed airport check-ins are.

And if you wondered whether some people were making a lot of money out of Covid, this was a big ad in Singapore airport

Advertisement for covid test at airport

But at least this time the butterflies were awake, though it was a little dark to get good shots

Thanks to all our Dutch friends and family for making the trip fantastic.

de Stijl’n in den Haag

After two and a half weeks in the Netherlands we have reached the point where I am saying “we leave next weekend, there’s still so much to do!”.

I was keen to head back to Amsterdam, but we couldn’t see how it could fit into other things. Then, out of the blue, Angela and Martin to the unintended rescue (again) when they called on Saturday morning and said “We are heading to Amsterdam tonight for beer tasting, want a ride?”.

Their event was a private thing, but that was perfect as it meant we had a few hours to just wander, which we certainly did.

Amsterdam really is a beautiful city. Nothing needs to be added to create a great vibe.

This wall, outside a museum, had panels from 17th century buildings embedded. See if you can figure out the occupation of the residents.

If you guessed that the CCTV camera represented a spy, you may be right.

Jump back to the map and at the bottom you will see an area called Spui, which is a sort of square surrounded by restaurants and bars. With the backdrop of the old buildings and it being a beautiful evening, it was just delightful sitting having a beer and people watching.

No matter where you walk, there is another gorgeous view.

They weren’t dummies in the 17th century. If you had a 3 story building with a hoist at the top and front it made sense to not have your goods banging into the wall. So as well as the beam hanging out, buildings also leaned forward. It all looks a bit wonky, but adds to the charm.

The buildings, and therefore the bars, are narrow and cool…

with a huge range of beers.

Let’s move on from Amsterdam.

I know I rattle on about bikes, but this is the sort of bike parking that is provided.

Time to catch up with Jeroen and Margot – I won’t explain the pronounciation, suffice to say it isn’t how you read it in English. They are some more old friends of the Tall One, so we ride (of course) to den Haag (The Hague) and start with the Kuntsmuseum (with a K!) that houses some wonderful surprises.

For a start, there is a large collection of Mondrian works and other artists exploring the new De Stijl movement.

But what really grabbed me was a huge collection of Theo Jansen’s Strandbeests I suggest exploring the link, but to see them in real life was a treat indeed.

They even had some that you can play with.

The only thing that would be better would be to see Theo trialling one in the wild at the local beach. Jeroen has…lucky bugger.

Oh, and there were also works by van Gogh, Picasso, Rodin, know, all the European favourites.

But it gets better. We head back to Margot and Jeroen’s house and it is in a 100 year old block designed by Jan Wils during the De Stijl era. This is a notable historic building and has several books written about it. Apparently Mondrian designed the fireplace and some internal doors, and it looks like it.

Of course we then settled down to a typical afternoon “snack”.

There was also plenty of discussion about music, and of course, art.

Later we ride back to Wassener, which should be fun, it is raining.

It’s June 2nd everywhere

Celebrating a brthday in a different time zone is a little weird.

It started at 4PM Netherlands time which is midnight in Eastern Australia. We were hanging out, ready for an evening at home when the Tall One announced that we had been invited to Martin and Angela’s place for an hour. It registered as a little odd, but I left it at that.

A 10 minute bike ride and as we walk in I notice smiles on faces and pathetic attempts to conceal them. I figured something was up but, unlike me, I decided not to spoil anything.

Soon I was ordered to close my eyes and voila, a cheese cake (literally) with candles. Surprise! 🎉🌟🤡🎉😀

I haven’t asked if this was a gag or just to hold it together.

Cheese and beer transformed into cheese and tasting several 26 year old whiskeys, yummm. Tha Tall One had a sip, spluttered and very generously left the rest for me.

When we left at 10:30PM Wassener was still struggling to get dark, fortunately, because it was a bit of a wobbly ride home.

Thanks for all the beautiful birthday wishes. If you really loved me you would have remembered that 8AM in Eastern Australia is midnight in the Netherlands. A bit of a disturbed sleep as birthday pings happened through the night.

Aside: Tall One’s father needed something looked at in the hospital this morning. There on the shelf is the hospital magazine with CliniClowns on the cover. Nice!

Tea, your majesty?

If asked what is my favourite thing about the Netherlands, so far it is definitely (still?) the bicycle culture. We go riding every day, ranging from the shops 2 minutes away, to relatives and friends 10 minutes away and a 30km round trip to The Hague yesterday. Today we are heading to the beach.

Den Haag is another city where the centre is full of beautiful old buildings. Here’s the parliament house from the outside

Dutch parliament house

and here it is from a courtyard, which is as far in as we could get.

Dutch parliament house courtyard

There are plenty of museums if you are so inclined. From a website of The Hague attractions…

  • Kunstmuseum Den Haag is a museum for modern art and crafts. The museum is best known for its collection of works by painters of the Hague School, Mondrian, Picasso, Van Doesburg, Monet and Toorop. The current building, designed by the Dutch architect Berlage, was opened in 1935. – we are going here on the weekend.
  • The Mauritshuis has been a museum since 1822, with mainly paintings from the Golden Age. The permanent collection includes Girl with a Pearl Earring and View of Delft by Johannes Vermeer, ‘Soo fed sung, soo na pept’ by Jan Steen, The bull by Paulus Potter and The anatomy lesson by Dr. Nicolaes Tulp by Rembrandt van Rijn – closed for new exhibition.
  • The Louwman Museum is a museum for automobiles. The museum aims to provide a picture of what the automotive industry has produced since 1887.
  • Panorama Mesdag is a cylindrical panorama painting about 14 meters high and with a circumference of 120 meters. The painting, which is one of the oldest surviving panoramas in the world, is a view of the North Sea, the dunes, The Hague and Scheveningen.
  • Museum Voorlinden is a private museum for modern and contemporary art on the Estate Voorlinden in Wassenaar. It houses the art collection of Joop van Caldenborgh, the largest private art collection in the Netherlands – on the edge of Wassener and a good place for a couple of new props.
  • Escher in the Palace is an art museum on Lange Voorhout. It is housed in the Palace Lange Voorhout, dating from 1764, and since 2002 has housed a permanent exhibition devoted entirely to the work of the Dutch graphic artist Maurits Cornelis Escher.
  • The Hague Historical Museum is a museum on the Korte Vijverberg about the history of The Hague.
  • Phototomuseum The Hague is a museum in the field of photography. The museum was founded in 2002 as part of the Kunstmuseum Den Haag. It organizes approximately six exhibitions per year on the most diverse periods, disciplines and genres of photo history, often focusing on people.
  • Prison Gate Museum is a medieval prison. A museum has been located in the building since 1882.
  • The Museon is a popular science museum with collections on diverse subjects such as geology, biology, history and much more.
  • The Mesdag Collection is the former home of Hendrik Willem Mesdag (1831-1915), painter of seascapes, among other things. Besides being a painter, Mesdag was a great art collector. He had a museum built for his exceptional collection. He built this museum right next to his home and opened it to art lovers in 1887.
  • And more…

This is the obligatory “we visited the cafe where you used to work” photo for someone Tall One knows. I could get into a rant about lousy customer service where a “coffee and apple cake” special can’t be modified to a “hot chocolate and apple cake” order because “the till isn’t set up for that”, but I won’t.

woman sitting at cafe on street, holding menu
street scene I The Hague with woman standing holding 2 bicycles

The ride to den Haag took us through a lush green forest and past the residence of the Netherlands king. I made a polite request that we come in and have some tea with the king. The guard struggled for an answer, I am not sure if it was a language issue, but eventually the only response was a disappointing “no”.

When I started to take this photo, the guard became camera shy, I almost got him after shouting “hey!” and he stuck his head out, but I wasn’t quick enough. Though I did avoid getting shot or arrested.

Grand building at end of tree lined driveway. Residence of Dutch king.

It would be an oversight if I didn’t give an update on the Bremen greenhouse. A puzzle indeed, with almost every stage being done at least once incorrectly before being figured out.

Just before we left to return to Wassener it was like this. I take full credit for the 4 opening windows, including the challenge of installing an automatic opener on one.

people assembling greenhouse

A few hours later and we received a message that the job was done. One might be tempted to suggest that things moved quicker after we left, but that would be unkind.

greenhouse in garden setting

Back to bicycles, you can imagine if there are more bikes than people they need to be managed in public areas, and they are. There are plenty of shopping streets that are pedestrian only or no bike parking. But leave a bike that looks derelict and it is removed to the bike pound where it costs €22 ($30AUD) to get it back. These ones have been tagged for removal in 7 days.

bicycles with removal tags attached

In Amsterdam, thousands of bikes are stolen every year. This seems odd as most people seem to already have a bike. Maybe they belonged to someone else originally. If your bike is impounded you can look for it here

Pinch and a punch for the first of the month.

Bremen, Germany

We have headed to Bremen in Germainy for the weekend. Being from Australia, where we are so internationally isolated, it is bizarre hearing peope say things like “I am going to France/England/Spain/Somewhere for the weekend”, much less doing it. It only takes four hours on a couple of trains with one anxity causing transfer, and we are there. Some things do help get there quickly.

screen display in train showing fast speed of 194kph

We are here to visit Christa, a lifelong friend of the Tall One, and her partner Helmut. They met during holidays when they were kids, became pen pals (when people use to do such things) and have a shared love of art. Here she is in front of one of her works in a bookshop window in Bremen.

woman standing around in front of a painting 🎨 inside a shop window display

To say we are being treated well by our hosts is an understatement. We have bikes, we are shown around, we eat. Even breakfast is an experience; plenty of yummy dark bread, loads of cheeses and some home made strawberry jam. I am not fond of jam, it is usually too sweet, so when I say that this is just fantastic, you can be sure it is.

2 women sitting at a table that has lots of cheese and bread

The only thing Christa and Helmut haven’t organised well is the weather. The wind is cold and strong and it is showery. But so far we have managed to time our bike rides to fit between the rain.

We headed into central Bremen which like most cities in Europe, dates back to the 16th century and earlier. Apart from Rotterdam (and others no doubt), which has no old buildings and has mostly been rebuilt, Europeans were lucky that the older parts of most cities seemed to escape bomb damage during WWII.

I just realised I skipped ahead a couple of days, so let’s rewind to Thursday, “Father’s Day”, but not like the Father’s Day we know, where the idea is to spend time with dad and be thankful.

In Bremen at least, Father’s Day is celebrated by going cycling with other fathers, taking along lots of beer and loud music. They were having fun and were friendly, so didn’t spoil our 25km ride along a dedicated bike track through what I think is a conservation area. I even managed to score a beer from one group, I wish I had taken a photo.

As we rode, I was stopping regularly. I am still captivated by the thatched roofs…they are just beautiful. So are the women 🥰

two women with bicycles standing in front of old house with thatched roof.
building with thatched roof
building with thatched roof

This is a little bit of what it was like.

Did I mention food yet? When we got home it was time to make a Dutch favourite, apple cake. The pictures might do the talking…

Back to our city ride, unless I realise I have missed something else. It is about a 30 minute ride into the centre of Bremen, easy cycling because a) it is flat with plenty of bike lanes and b) cyclists have right of way.

The centre is dominated by a big square surrounded by old buildings including a Protestant church that recently had its floor removed for an archeological dig. They found graves of bishops dating back hundreds of years and many of the artifacts are now on display in a fabulous museum. For the pendants, yes, they put the floor back…

This was the church Christa had attended, so while not getting special celestial access, she did have some local knowledge, including that you could climb to the top of the spire via a spiral staircase, so tight that passing people was a real squeeze and photos just didn’t work. But we were high above Bremen, including above the bell.

church bell in tower, from above.

The old buildings are beautiful, if only we could remove the tourists (irony noted).

old building in Bremen

In case you were wondering, yes that is a Ukrainian flag, they are pretty much everywhere in Europe…except maybe Russia.

wrought iron hanging from front of building

There is a fairy tale about some animals that stood on each other’s back and pretended to be a monster to scare something away: I think I missed this one as a kid. But it is pretty popular here including being made into a statue.

statue of animals on top of each other from fairy tale

Touching the legs brings you good luck…really…I did my research.

2 people standing beside statue
fancy door of church in Brehmen

But not everything is old

modern stairs way with angles and colours
it’s the angles…

Of course, McDonalds makes their own unique contribution to the beautification of this historic part of Bremen.

McDonalds with rubbish outside
This is right on the main square, note the old buildings in the reflections

As if that wasn’t enough for a day, we came home, made an excellent ratatouille and had dinner with more guests, then went for a drive (normally a bike ride, but it was raining on and off) to the rhododendron garden. Who knew there are so many different varieries.

First, a panorama that won’t do the scene justice

panorama of beautiful flowers

Choose your favourite, I don’t think there are any duplicates.

If the showers stop I will try to fix the front step and then we will no doubt tear some hair out trying to finish building this. Best to think of it as a 3D puzzle.

frame of hot bouse

I was about to publish, when a friend of Helmut’s arrived for a visit. Not being German and not being a soccer fan, I didn’t recognise Marco Bode – https://en.m.wikipedia.rg/wiki/Marco_Bode. I don’t think he was offended

I just learned some German – when goingze to der hardwaren, try notten to locken der keysen der caren.

Far canal

people standing around a small boat

Another day, another canal trip. But this time it is in Martin and Angela’s own small boat. It is a glorious Sunday so we are loaded up with supplies and off to Leiden, site of the first side-trip, when the sole mission was beer.

Unlike in Australia, they don’t see the sun often enough to have a sunscreen culture. By the end of the day, pale European skin wasn’t any more. It was mostly a nice pink colour and likely to be a bit tender the next morning.

Dutch flag in foreground on back of boat travelling along canal

Hats off to Martin. Again he demonstrates mad navigational skillz as we head along of series of criss crossing waterways, joining other boats as we all head to Leiden…or somewhere.

The tourist blurb says:

The historic city centre is home to no fewer than 28 kilometres of canals. To cross all these canals, you need bridges, and the city centre alone has no fewer than 88 bridges! The historic city centre is surrounded by water. These surrounding moats, known as singels, enclose many green spaces, which is why this area is called Singelpark. Leiden is fantastic when experienced from the water!

We were chugging along, dropping in at a couple of friends who lived along the water. I said “this has grown to more like a river than a canal” to which I was told “this is the Rhine”. Firstly, I had only ever associated The Rhine with Germany, secondly, I pictured a huge river. This wasn’t.

Seeing a place from the water is almost always more interesting than from the land. For a start you get to see different things. I think this is going to be the roof of a silo

ribbed cone shaped structure, likely the unfinished roof of a silo

the obligatory birdlife photos

two storks sitting on an elevated nest
birds on nest against boat hull

At last, plenty of windmills.

Dutch windmill

Incredibly, they started appearing in the 13th century and at one point there were over 9,000 mills. Some still operate for tourists, the one above was open to visitors. But we were on a mission.

Dutch windmill

Originally they were used to grind grain, saw timber, etc. But most importantly, they pumped water out of the low areas – much of the Netherlands is effectively a drained swamp. Nowadays they are historical monuments that look very cool in the landscape.

Dutch windmill

It was a bit disappointing to discover we were 2 days late for National Mill Day (2nd weekend in May) when the mills open to the public. That is the equivalent of arriving in Australia 2 days after the celebrations because we changed government.

Dutch windmill
Dutch windmill
Dutch windmill

i think this is my favourite shot.

Dutch windmill with sailboat in foreground

Here we are coming into the main old part of town where we could cruise along, sitting in the boat looking very smug, as people in cafes and the streets looked on enviously – otherwise what’s the point?

view of old city from water

The building on the left is dated 1652 or so, about the time the Dutch were visiting what is now Western Australia. Imagine how different our lives and architecture would have been if the land was colonised by the Dutch. I imagine we would still be trying to become a republic, though in fairness, the Dutch did give up their colonies a fair while ago.

old building behind boats on waterfront
old boats along city waterfront

As if being uber-cool cruising the canals isn’t uber-cool enough, we tied up beside an open square and then nonchalantly wandered over one of the 88 bridges for coffee, Dutch apple cake, and beer.

boat parked 8n canal in old city

A beautiful sunny day, if you look through to the other side of the canal, just in front of the waiter with the red apron, you can see our blue boat.

outdoor restaurant with many tables on sunny day

As you can imagine, it was a pretty awesome day out, especially right after Amsterdam. It is great having family or friends in places you visit. It’s often fun for them too, playing tourist for a while.

boat travelling along canal beside old buildings

Finally, just how low were the bridges? This video is of just one of many similar that we passed under. When I have to duck, you know it is low.